Tax Fonciere
For the year 2020 the property ownership tax was €506.
Tax d’Habitation
Waste and rubbish collection
For the year 2020 the property paid €777.
Gas and Electricity
The Gas and Electricity are supplied by national companies GRDF & EDF.
In 2020, with the owner in residence for the largest part of the year and the clients occupying the property for four weeks the combined average monthly bill was €200.00
Water and Sanitation
The Village administration looks after the supply of water and the sanitation.
In the year 2020, the total cost of these two services was €1104.48
The water pressure in the village is supplied at 1.5 bar which is insufficient to meet the needs of the property. So, there is a pressure system installed in the garage which increases this to 6 bar.
The result is that all 7 showers in the house are exceptionally efficient power showers.
The water supplied by the village is a lot harder than that which is nationally recommended and so the house is equipped with a large salt water softener.